Saturday, June 23, 2012

your 7th month

man you have been sick a lot lately. You had that bad cold and ear infection and did not like taking your antibotics. I had to put you in the bouncer with water running and the music playing and get behind you to get you to take the antibotics but you got them down and the ear infection and cold went away. The really really bad part was three days long and then after a week from the start of you getting sick you were doing a lot better although you have a lingering cough. Then a few weeks went by and you were pretty healthy and really not much happened no big changes, same with daycare and eating and such...well I take that back you were doing better eating your solids including rice cereal mix mixed with avocado, pear and sweet potato.

Then we had a bad run of luck...the fridge died (not so bad) then I got rear-ended while you were home napping and there was damage to my car that I am STILL waiting to have fixed up and my back was pretty sore from being hit. Then I was holding you and touched something hot on the grill and shook my hand and lost my wedding band but not my engagement ring. Then the ENTIRE daycare came down with Hand foot and were basically the last one to get it and you also had a cold. It was sooo gross and creepy with the blisters all over your body and I felt so bad for you and you were miserable for about 3 days and unhappy for another 5. You are healing up very well though and have no scars on your face but may have some temporary scars on your butt and feet and ankles.

Strangely enough after getting the HFM you now HATE avocado but love sweet potato, and pears and squash and are getting better at eating if we put you in the bumbo. You will also eat some rice cereal now and then but you rather have the straight fruit and sweet veggies. You like chewing on some rice crackers called mum mums although you do more gumming of them than eating them.

Then while you had the HFM your top two teeth started coming down hard and painful. Ugg the look awful and are moving so much more slowly than the bottom teeth. then to my complete surprise I realized the next two bottom teeth were coming through also! Now the bottom left is through all the way, the bottom right mostly through and the top two have pushed through but the whole process is a lot slower and more painful looking with the top teeth. You have six teeth!

Then we can talk about sitting. You were not really willing to do it for more than a minute then towards the end of the HFM you became a sitting master, basically you wouldn't do it till you could do it well. Now you sit quite well and if you want to can do it for a while though you tend to tip yourself over so you can play on your tummy. You don't seem too bothered when you tip over.  Now, in the last week, you are up on your hands and knees rocking back and forth and doing an army crawl thing. You can almost push yourself up to a sitting position, you can hold yourself up while standing for a moment if you can hold onto tried to pull yourself up to standing while at Calvins graduation by using the folding chair in front of us.  Such HUGE changes soooo fast! I'm overwhelmed.   You are also "talking" a lot more and saying Da da da although i don't think you are actually calling for your daddy.

When you have not been sick you have been pretty darn happy and you love laughing at your doggies, playing with things that play music and spin and light up! You still love the exersacuser and love to jump up and down in it. You can grab thing so well and have a very very strong grip. You seem to have such good control with your hands. You really enjoy having books read to you and you like shaking things, crumpling things and hitting things.

for the last week that you have not been sick you have been an eating machine and sometimes will even drink five or six ounces at a time. You still like to eat twice during the night.

Sleep: I was going to write that it has gotten a lot better since my month six post (minus the sick nights) but then last night you had a terrible night again. You had one night right before the HFM where you slept from 8:30pm-5:20am without waking then ate and went back to sleep till 7am. That was a one night fluke. But we were to only waking twice a night and you would eat and go back to sleep. Sometimes if you cry out in-between I can go pat your back and you go back to sleep. Then your grandma Cindy came to visit and your dad and I went away for one night and you only woke once and then for the next two nights you only woke once, then for the next few you woke twice to eat, then twice to eat, once to be held and then last night you were awake a TON...not upset but like you were ready to be awake and play. You had a really hard time settling down. I hope it is temporary and had to do with all these huge development leaps you are making. It is really hard on your dad and I to be up so much and I was soooooo happy that you were only waking twice a night. Could we please please go back to that?!!!!

the one good thing about your cold and ear infection is that we were able to stop swaddling you and put you into that $40 zippy thing I talked about. You seem to like it and it works for you to help you sleep and you can move around in it and you can were it at daycare.  

I am done with school now and on summer vacation and we are trying to figure out what to do for daycare for next year. It is hard knowing what is the right thing to do! I just want you to be happy and healthy and well cared for. making these big choices for your little life is so scary a lot of the time and I am trying my best but I worry I don't make the right choices sometimes. But no one can be perfect. I keep repeating it doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be good enough and with love.

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