Friday, May 18, 2012

your 5th month

So much happened in your fifth month...I think the most changes occurred in this month than any other so far (aside from you being born) some of those changes were good and some where not so great.

You still love to play on your changing table and play with a moblie although right now you like a bug one from Ikea where you like to grab the bugs and pull them hard. You also love to hang out in your crib with your Rainforest soother. You are no longer a fan of the bouncer and are only willing to be in it for about 10min at a time even with the shower running. We got you a big boy swing and you are liking it much better than the little collapsible swing. You are so so on the bumbo chair and are more interested in being held up so you can stand and march your feet or bounce your feet than being in a sitting position. We just got you an exersaucer this weekend and you like it for about 15 min at a time then I think it is a little hard on your hips still. You currently LOVE anything that spins...still love anything that plays music and of course mirrors.

You love to look in a mirror especially with mommy and laugh and smile. You love when we bend over you and kiss and nibble your cheeks and go mummumumm you laugh and squell. You think Scooter is halarious and randomly start laughing at him sometimes. Often when Mom gets home from work if you are awake you give her a big smile.

You don't love the play gym so much anymore. You rather be on a quilt that Jackie made you where you kick and roll side to side and sometimes roll to your tummy. You can roll from back to tummy both directions (you first did it about mid the third week of May) but you don't roll from your tummy to back even though that is supposed to be easier. I think it is because your back and arm muscles are a little weak because you don't like tummy time and are only willing to do it in very short burst and pretty much only when you can look into a mirror or at one of your art cards. (you still love your art cards and dalmation is your favorite) I am working really hard to get you to have more tummy time and am trying to entice you with toys you can play with and tummy time back rubs. It seems proping you up on the bobby during tummy time helps a lot.

This week you started doing this scooting thing when you lay on your back that propells you across the room for a foot or two and you occasionally grab your feet although you haven't put them in your mouth yet. You do like it when we take your foot when you are on your back and have you tap your nose and mouth with your toes. Silly baby.

You don't like being put into the car seat but you do like going into the car and you really like the monkey mirror in dad's car and the toys that hang from the handle of your carseat. You also like going for walks and we have put you in the stroller without the carseat a few times but you are so so on that so we usually use the carseat. In the past two weeks have have gotten big enough to be in the Ergo without the infant insert although I pulled out the pillow part to put under your butt so that you sit up high enough to see what is going on. You are willing to be in it for longer periods of time now...even long enough to go grocery shopping at Win-co. You still perfer being front facing but much like the exersacuer the front facing carrier (cheap biojorn knock off from target) seems to hurt your hips or crotch after about 12-15 min. I really want a carrier called a Beco that is like the Ergo with the backpack belt but you can ride facing out and on my hip also. they cost $130 and are new enough that I can't get a used one so we need to go try one on and see if we can return it if we don't like it. That would be one of the most expensive baby items you would use.

(I guess your car seat, crib, and mattress and the breast pump cost about the same or more)

In the last month you have transitioned from breastfeeding to formula and only get an few ounces of brestmilk or none at all most days. You were eating so often and didn't seem to be able to get enough food from me as you are a really distracted eater and were eating for up to 45min at a time every two hours all night long. We both were getting really frustrated and no sleep. I was having a nervous breakdown and the times of day when my milk hormone was the highest I was having extream panic attacks. Also I was having a breakdown about not being able to pump you enough milk at work and the stress of working and pumping. With the help of my Dr. and counselor and Doris the lactation lady we decided to transition you to formula. You got at least 8oz of breastmilk up till week 20 and at least some till your exact 5 month birthday and now it is pretty hit or miss. You don't want to nurse anymore as my remaining milk is too low and slow. I wish I had been able to keep going longer for you but I could not do it anymore physically. I love being able to rock you and make eye contact while you eat and you like being able to look around and are able to get more food in again. typically you eat 3-4oz about every two hours although you have started taking some 5oz bottles so I think you may be either having a little growth spurt or ready to move up in volume. You drink Similiac sensitive for lactose sensitivity although I have no clue if you do have any lactose sensitivity. You plow through the tubs of formula...thank goodness Brian is a Similiac rep and gets us a huge discount. I am really starting to think you are ready for some solids because of how you move your lips and mouth in a chewing motion now.

You love to bite on my finger and chew on soft items like a washcolth and the side of your pacifier. You got your bottom two teeth the last two weeks of april and while it seemed to hurt you a bit at night you took it better than I expected. You are chewing again and drooling a lot and blowing raspberreies and smacking your lips so I wonder if more teeth are comming soon or if this is just your new thing. I know you are hungery now when you start chewing on my sholder. You little teeth are sharp and painfull and man does it hurt when you bite my finger but that is your favorite thing to chew on so I let you sometimes.