Saturday, June 23, 2012

your 6th month

you are 6 months and a week old now. You are 27 3/4 inches long and as of today weigh 15.8 pounds. you are very tall and pretty skinny and gain about 3-4 oz a week. You have just outgrown your 3-6 month sleep and plays and the feet are too small. I can't believe you are more than 6 inches taller than when you were born! It's funny to watch me carry you as you are soooo long compared to me.

You are all formula feed now and tend to be less gassy and your poop has less mucous. Who knows if that has anything to do with the brestmilk or not. Right now you are sick with a cold and part of me questions if you wouldn't have gotten the cold if you have brestmilk but I think you still would have as your breast feed buddies get sick also.

You have started to eat a few solid foods. We started with some oatmeal about four weeks about but it made you gassy and constipated and gave you a rash on the tummy. I realized it had wheat and soy in it so we stopped giving it to you. After a few weeks we gave you some pears I made you. You did not like them...I think they were too grainy and sour because I then gave you some baby food pears I bought and you liked those a lot. Then we tried avocado with really like that! Next I think we are going to try sweet potatoes. I don't know if we should try the oatmeal again or try some rice cereal and hope it doesn't clog you up too much. Oh do NOT like prune juice (I can't blame you)

You still drink a bottle every 2-3 hours and have 4 oz most of the time...sometimes up to 5 or almost 6oz but usually 4. You still eat twice during the night...3 or 4 oz. You used to want to eat every time you woke up but now half the time you get really mad when we try to feed you. I guess one of the ladies at daycare gave you a sippy cup last week and you drank from it...I have yet to try that though. They would like  you to eat more oz less often but Dr. B says if you want to eat the way you do that that is ok. You are still low on the weight but not dangerously so. About 10th percentile as of today. You are just so active that you don't like stopping to eat. It is easiest to get you to eat when you are sleepy so we haven't broken that habit yet.

Speaking of bad habits you are a officially a bad sleeper. I'm sorry but it is true. You are awake every two hours sometimes every hour. At least 3-5 times a night. Before you would eat back to sleep but now only about two times a night do you want to eat. Other times you want the pacifier or to be held in bed with us or to be in the rock and play or who knows what because when we try to hold you you scream and throw a fit and get even madder when we try to put anything in your mouth. That's why I don't think you would nurse back to sleep anymore. I'm trying to not play the what if game so much....but it is hard. You start sleeping in the crib and wake about 10:30 and again at 11:30 when you sometimes eat and then 1:30 when you almost always eat and then about 3:30 when you often eat and then often at 5-5:30 you try to get up for the day but if we hold you in bed half the time we can get you to sleep till 6-6:30am. It feels so early and we are sooooo tired. Can you please become a better sleeper!? sometimes the only way to calm you down and get you back to sleep is to run the vacume cleaner. The Dr. wonders if you are having night terrors since you are not comforted by us sometimes but I'm not sure if that is it or if you are just really tired and annoyed that you are awake but not sure how to calm yourself back to sleep. sometimes the more we try to clam you the more upset you get! We really don't know what to do. We may have to try some Cry it Out this summer if things are still this bad.

Sometimes you nap daycare you don't but at home I can often get you to take two hour naps. Sometimes I think you nap better than you sleep at night!

I love your bedtime routine. I give you a bath and then we listen to classical music as I give you a massage and a back rub and rub your feet. Then I give you a bottle while singing to you. I sing twinkle twinkle, the bear went over the Mt., hush little baby, sleep baby sleep, rock a bye baby and lullabuy and good night.
after your bottle Dad reads you good night moon, we put you in your swaddle and rock or hold you a bit and then lay you down in your crib to sleep with the sound machine. Sometimes you toss and turn or rub the sheets for a while before you sleep. You tend to go to bed at 8:30pm. But if you keep getting up this early we may have to move it to 8pm. Now I understand why books talked about the 10pm feeding.

Oh and then the swaddle you love it and hate it. You have to be swaddle in order to nap more than about 45min and it seems to help clam you down at night. We have a swaddle where you can pull your arms out when you want and you do during the night and then after a while you wake up upset and we have to go put your arms back in and try again. if we leave your arms out you just cry or play with your hands or work on your rolling. I just bought this this called a zipadeezip that works miracles for some swaddle addicted babies. I'm not holding my breath that it will do much but at least it will be safer for you to wear at night now that you are rolling and it will make it harder for you to play with your hands. we will try it when you are not sick anymore. I hope it works a little because it cost $40 and is made by a mom so I can't take it back to the store or re-sell it or anything. anything to help you sleep better is worth it.

Enough of the trying things. You are an active happy boy most of the time. You are adorable and everybody loves you. You are always on the move wiggling and turning and playing. You adore your exersacuser and since your last little height growth sprut you fit in it much better. You can spend up to half an hour in it before you get tired or I make you stop. You like your big boy swing well enough. It is good for when you need to relax a little. A very few times you have fallen asleep in it. We sold lotty at the consignment sale and got you a wooden play thing from Ikea that you love and a ocean play mat thing that we don't use very much. You rather be on the blanket where you can move around a bunch. You sit in the bumbo a bit more now but still don't love it. You can easily roll from your back to your tummy both directions and your tummy to your back both directions although you only do it sporadically. A few times you have log rolled across the room. Then you won't do it for days. You seem to get really focused on working at one skill at at time. You can lift your but up high and get your knees underneath you when you are on your tummy so I wonder if you will creep around soon. You don't mind being on your tummy very much anymore because you like to "swim" on the carpet and then push wayyyyy up into a pushup then drop down and swim and push swim and push. You somehow manage to rotate in a circle while you do that so you can spin around 360o. You seem to have stoped the scooting across the floor on your back thing...I wonder if you will start it up again. You still like to be held upright so you can march your feet and jump. You like being in the johhny jump up with a soft piano under your feet that you can play. You love your squish and several shaking rattles. You are starting to like Sophie better. Of course you  still love anything that plays music. I can't let you play on the changing table as much now because you try to roll off of it. You like an inflatable ball with a jinggle bell in it and a blanket I made you with ribbon tags. You still like mirrors and when I put us in front of one together you smile and laugh.

You love your doggies and laugh and smile at them...honestly scooter is your favorite. You try to pet them which is really cute. Or maybe you are pulling their fur. You like to pull my hair and pull off your dad's glasses. Your grip is so strong and you can pinch and it HURTS. Oh and your two bottom teeth are very up and out and they also HURT!  The Dr. said you are teething your top two teeth right now and you have been drooling for the first time. I wonder when those will come though. You have more teeth than most of the kids at mom's group!

What you are a bit behind on is the whole sitting thing. I have seen you sit on your own a few times. You are able to do it more and more this week but you just are not very interested. Sitting doesn't get you anywhere so after a few seconds of sitting you get your feet under you and try to push up. The day care is trying so hard to get you to sit. I'm a bit whatever on it. The Dr. agrees that you probably will sit later than most kids because you are too busy working on other skills but he thinks you will walk early.

Daycare is a whole other issue and I'll write a seperate entry for that.

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