Saturday, September 26, 2015

18 weeks and 2 or 3 days

Hey don't have the relaxed womb life of your big brother do working full time, trying to keep up with your brother who is almost 4 years old. You must really dislike junk food...particularly sugar as i just still don't want any and I mean any fast food and basically anything with sugar makes me feel icky. Sometimes I want to eat..most days I just force myself too. Sometimes you want soup, or shrimp or lentil based things or fruit. lots and lots of fruit. I don't want meat...sometimes I don't even want cheese. I only throw up about once a week at this point and go back and forth between 138 and 140 pounds. My tummy with you looks about as big as it did at 6 months with your brother but they say that is normal. I think I feel your butt moving sometimes but other times you seem very quite compared to your big brother and that freaks me out. We are done with our blood gentic tests and you were low risk for birth defects so good for you:) We will have your gender ultrasound in two or three weeks and double check you look all put together correctly. At the last midwife app you "felt" the right size and place and your heartbeat was easy to find. I have boy clothes stock piled up...there is no way your are girl right? Oh well...what would I do with a girl just keep growing...see if you could get a little more intrested in food ok? oh this week you are the size of a bell pepper