Monday, September 26, 2011

week 34

week 34 baby. You feel so big and heavy. I managed to gain four pounds for our last Dr.s appt. we are still eating a lot of peanut butter. They say you are gaining half a pound a week! You should be at least 5lbs now if not more. My belly button is starting to push out but I don't think it will pop out and I don't have the brown line down my belly.
Some days I think you are laying across my belly and it hurts! It is getting so hard to get comfortable, so let's get head down ok?

Your Dad and I have gone to two birthing classes and have learned you need to be heads down and facing backwards so keep that in mind ok? We have been practicing how to keep moving and breathing in labor and different positions we can labor in. We had to repeadily hold handfuls of ice cubes in our hand and practice diffrent relaxation methods. Ah he ahe ahe ahoo and thinking about breathing slowly and swaying and thinking about petting the doggies. The couple next to us gets way to touchy feely during massage and labor practice. ugg it drives me nuts. I guess we are going to go on a tour of the hospital the last class so that should be interesting to see where you will be born. I hope I can labor at home for as long as possible though.

We still need to go to an infant care class and I need to find a breastfeeding class. I hope there is time to get it all done. We DO have all the stuff you need thanks to several trips to consignment sales. We have slings and carriers galore. We have a bouncy seat and a swing, we have 2 places for you to sleep and a bumbo seat! We have a diaper pail but no diapers! opps we need to fix that and get a few baby bottles just in case. While you are thinking head down also think about wanting to breastfeed!

Your room looks cute though. With the tree and little birdhouses and a panting of a bird. You have a tree and bird room. I still want to make a painting of a mama and baby bird in a nest and make you a mobile of stuffed birdies and a dot mobile for over the bassinet in the bedroom. We will get it done though. About six weeks to go till we meet you!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

back to school baby

sorry squirmy...its been a month. That's what happens when mom has to go back to work. You are back to school also...your second school year technically. You are going to be a well educated baby by the time you come out.
We are working on week 33 and you are over 4lbs and I can feel it. You have hands and feet in my ribs, hips and everywhere in between. You feel heavy inside of me and it is getting very uncomfortable to sit. My belly keeps going out but my weight won't go up so now I have to eat peanut butter and other extra protein. Oh yah and black strap molassass for extra iron. And I should be having those fish oil supplments that are sitting in your room but I can only eat so many gross things in one day