Tuesday, September 18, 2012

new tricks

this is not your official ten month post....we both have had a tummy bug over the last week so I'm a bit behind but I wanted to write that two weeks ago you learned how to clap, yesterday you started doing something like a wave, a few days ago you figured out how to throw things on purpose and thorw a ball for yoruself and all the toys off your high chair. You can find a toy I hide under a cup or washcloth you crawl so fast, and pull up everywhere and do a little crusing and are doing this cute funny bear crawl where you crawl on your hands and feet like a bear walk! you are also kind of clingy the last week and some nights fuss every hour or so and other nights go an four hours between fussing.I guess the nights you fuss a lot your brain is working hard on your new skills. I love you so much, you are growing and changing and learning so much so fast!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Your 8th and 9th month

Hi baby bear,
I must have gotten off track in counting months somewhere along the line... in 7 days you will be 9 months old! Your such a big boy!  We have had a fun and busy summer and mostly have a month left of summer vacation.
On the 2nd of July we went to Denver, just you and me without your dad to see your grandma. We had a nice visit but of course you got a bad cold while we were there! But we still had fun, we saw Linda and Haliey and Katie and Heather and Jamie on the fourth and had a little picnic... then twice your grandma and I took you swimming for the first time, you did not like areas were the water was cold but you loved part of the pools where it was warmer and really loved the lazy river. you were kicking your legs and splashing your hands like you were going to be a champion swimmer as I floated you down the river.

During July we have hung out with Rebecca and Mac a lot and Kori and Swayer and Nikki and Moe. We also see Michelle and Anja sometimes. We went to the zoo three times, went berry picking twice, go swinging at the park have picnics with Nikki and Moe, went to mommy mattine and play play play.  It has been fun but also pretty tiring some days!

You like being with other people and epically older babies and toddlers and pre-schoolers, you like watching what they can do and I know you dream of being able to run and play.

What you can do is crawl really really well! and sit yourself up and pull yourself up to standing and even scoot a little on pieces of furniture. I can't believe how fast you can crawl...you want to crawl everywhere, on the carpet, on the hardwood floor, in the grass, in the dirt on the beach, everywhere!  I have you wear little kneepads made out of socks you you don't scrape up your knees too bad. you crawl from one end of the house to the other and like to play in the dog's water bowls, you like to play with the broom and bang on the floors or anything else you can to feel the vibrations and here the noise.

you don't seem to like any one toy for long, you rather just explore. I want to find you a push toy to walk along with.  even the bouncer doesn't seem to entertain you for long. You like chasing things that roll around the house and bang bang banging things.

It is so hard to change your diaper cuse you turn over and wiggle and then crawl away!

I'm adding more on 8/25 now...so you are 9 months and two weeks. You are getting much better at eating solids, especially dinner. I need to be better about giving you lunch and I guess also breakfast these are the foods you have tried:
all smooshed
butternut squash
purple carrot
avacado (although you don't like it anymore)
plums (not a big fan)
a tinny bit of raspberry (you liked it) and a tinny bit of cantaloupe
and egg yolk! you loved that!

you are not so great at eating "finger foods' you gag and throw up...you can do puffs if you haven't had a bunch of liquids for half an hour before. we are going to try some yogurht this weekend  and then maybe some cottage cheese.
You are not eating in the bumbo anymore but in your high chair and you love it when we take it outside and eat al fresco :)

You LOVE watching the chickens and you love love love dogs! They make you laugh and smile

You are getting ticklish and like having raspberries blown on your belly

You have a cookie monster doll that makes you laugh and laugh and you like to chew on power cords

You have EIGHT teeth! and are drooling a ton so maybe those moalrs are on their way....ugg not looking forward to that. I am going to get a amber teething necklace... I hope that helps some

Your sleeping is sometimes good and sometimes bad.
Most nights you wake up two to three times, some nights once, some nights more. When you wake we usally feed you a bottle and rock you or bounce you back to sleep. We are not supposed to feed you during the night more than once says the Dr. but I can't stand the crying and I think you are hungry. I am not going to go into how conflicted I am about sleep training here...that can be a separate letter. So far you are still naping twice a day for anywhere from 40min to two hours. You are able to be awake for about 3 to 3 1/2 hours at a time before you melt down.  You go to bed somewhere between 8:30 and 9pm and wake up somewhere between 6:30 ad 7:30am (typically between 6:45-7:15am)
You are starting to fight going to bed and sometimes scream and then pull yourself up to standing and suffle around your crib instead of going to sleep. Then you get mad that you are stuck standing up and can't settle down. It drives me nuts. I hope by my next entry that will have passed. You seem to have a hard time falling alseep in the car and have to cry for about 20 min now...You rather be alseep in the crib or pack and play. You don't like being in bed with us and haven't sleep in the bed with us for a long time.

You tend to eat 4oz at a time of milk about every two and half hours during the day...about 6 bottles during the day and two at night...so about 32oz a day. I think that is ok/good.

You love to babble and can say dada, mama, baba, nigh nigh something that sounds like dogie and tons of other sounds, you are clicking your tounge this week and sticking it out the sides of your mouth so you look funny. I don't know if you really are using those sounds as words but you can say them.

You are a happy camper most of the time, you are social and active and interested in the world around you. So far you don't mind other people and you are good about being at daycare. I wonder if/when you will get bad separation anxiety.

You still love books, especially Barnyard Dance, Busy Chickens, Chugga Chugga Choo Choo, the going to bed book and good night moon to name a few.
We are finishing up a summer reading program and I hope to get you a liabary onesie!

that is all for now but I'm sure I'll have plenty more to add later on.
Love your mama

Saturday, June 23, 2012

your 7th month

man you have been sick a lot lately. You had that bad cold and ear infection and did not like taking your antibotics. I had to put you in the bouncer with water running and the music playing and get behind you to get you to take the antibotics but you got them down and the ear infection and cold went away. The really really bad part was three days long and then after a week from the start of you getting sick you were doing a lot better although you have a lingering cough. Then a few weeks went by and you were pretty healthy and really not much happened no big changes, same with daycare and eating and such...well I take that back you were doing better eating your solids including rice cereal mix mixed with avocado, pear and sweet potato.

Then we had a bad run of luck...the fridge died (not so bad) then I got rear-ended while you were home napping and there was damage to my car that I am STILL waiting to have fixed up and my back was pretty sore from being hit. Then I was holding you and touched something hot on the grill and shook my hand and lost my wedding band but not my engagement ring. Then the ENTIRE daycare came down with Hand foot and mouth...you were basically the last one to get it and you also had a cold. It was sooo gross and creepy with the blisters all over your body and I felt so bad for you and you were miserable for about 3 days and unhappy for another 5. You are healing up very well though and have no scars on your face but may have some temporary scars on your butt and feet and ankles.

Strangely enough after getting the HFM you now HATE avocado but love sweet potato, and pears and squash and are getting better at eating if we put you in the bumbo. You will also eat some rice cereal now and then but you rather have the straight fruit and sweet veggies. You like chewing on some rice crackers called mum mums although you do more gumming of them than eating them.

Then while you had the HFM your top two teeth started coming down hard and painful. Ugg the look awful and are moving so much more slowly than the bottom teeth. then to my complete surprise I realized the next two bottom teeth were coming through also! Now the bottom left is through all the way, the bottom right mostly through and the top two have pushed through but the whole process is a lot slower and more painful looking with the top teeth. You have six teeth!

Then we can talk about sitting. You were not really willing to do it for more than a minute then towards the end of the HFM you became a sitting master, basically you wouldn't do it till you could do it well. Now you sit quite well and if you want to can do it for a while though you tend to tip yourself over so you can play on your tummy. You don't seem too bothered when you tip over.  Now, in the last week, you are up on your hands and knees rocking back and forth and doing an army crawl thing. You can almost push yourself up to a sitting position, you can hold yourself up while standing for a moment if you can hold onto something...you tried to pull yourself up to standing while at Calvins graduation by using the folding chair in front of us.  Such HUGE changes soooo fast! I'm overwhelmed.   You are also "talking" a lot more and saying Da da da although i don't think you are actually calling for your daddy.

When you have not been sick you have been pretty darn happy and you love laughing at your doggies, playing with things that play music and spin and light up! You still love the exersacuser and love to jump up and down in it. You can grab thing so well and have a very very strong grip. You seem to have such good control with your hands. You really enjoy having books read to you and you like shaking things, crumpling things and hitting things.

for the last week that you have not been sick you have been an eating machine and sometimes will even drink five or six ounces at a time. You still like to eat twice during the night.

Sleep: I was going to write that it has gotten a lot better since my month six post (minus the sick nights) but then last night you had a terrible night again. You had one night right before the HFM where you slept from 8:30pm-5:20am without waking then ate and went back to sleep till 7am. That was a one night fluke. But we were to only waking twice a night and you would eat and go back to sleep. Sometimes if you cry out in-between I can go pat your back and you go back to sleep. Then your grandma Cindy came to visit and your dad and I went away for one night and you only woke once and then for the next two nights you only woke once, then for the next few you woke twice to eat, then twice to eat, once to be held and then last night you were awake a TON...not upset but like you were ready to be awake and play. You had a really hard time settling down. I hope it is temporary and had to do with all these huge development leaps you are making. It is really hard on your dad and I to be up so much and I was soooooo happy that you were only waking twice a night. Could we please please go back to that?!!!!

the one good thing about your cold and ear infection is that we were able to stop swaddling you and put you into that $40 zippy thing I talked about. You seem to like it and it works for you to help you sleep and you can move around in it and you can were it at daycare.  

I am done with school now and on summer vacation and we are trying to figure out what to do for daycare for next year. It is hard knowing what is the right thing to do! I just want you to be happy and healthy and well cared for. making these big choices for your little life is so scary a lot of the time and I am trying my best but I worry I don't make the right choices sometimes. But no one can be perfect. I keep repeating it doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be good enough and with love.

your 6th month

you are 6 months and a week old now. You are 27 3/4 inches long and as of today weigh 15.8 pounds. you are very tall and pretty skinny and gain about 3-4 oz a week. You have just outgrown your 3-6 month sleep and plays and the feet are too small. I can't believe you are more than 6 inches taller than when you were born! It's funny to watch me carry you as you are soooo long compared to me.

You are all formula feed now and tend to be less gassy and your poop has less mucous. Who knows if that has anything to do with the brestmilk or not. Right now you are sick with a cold and part of me questions if you wouldn't have gotten the cold if you have brestmilk but I think you still would have as your breast feed buddies get sick also.

You have started to eat a few solid foods. We started with some oatmeal about four weeks about but it made you gassy and constipated and gave you a rash on the tummy. I realized it had wheat and soy in it so we stopped giving it to you. After a few weeks we gave you some pears I made you. You did not like them...I think they were too grainy and sour because I then gave you some baby food pears I bought and you liked those a lot. Then we tried avocado with formula...you really like that! Next I think we are going to try sweet potatoes. I don't know if we should try the oatmeal again or try some rice cereal and hope it doesn't clog you up too much. Oh yeah...you do NOT like prune juice (I can't blame you)

You still drink a bottle every 2-3 hours and have 4 oz most of the time...sometimes up to 5 or almost 6oz but usually 4. You still eat twice during the night...3 or 4 oz. You used to want to eat every time you woke up but now half the time you get really mad when we try to feed you. I guess one of the ladies at daycare gave you a sippy cup last week and you drank from it...I have yet to try that though. They would like  you to eat more oz less often but Dr. B says if you want to eat the way you do that that is ok. You are still low on the weight but not dangerously so. About 10th percentile as of today. You are just so active that you don't like stopping to eat. It is easiest to get you to eat when you are sleepy so we haven't broken that habit yet.

Speaking of bad habits you are a officially a bad sleeper. I'm sorry but it is true. You are awake every two hours sometimes every hour. At least 3-5 times a night. Before you would eat back to sleep but now only about two times a night do you want to eat. Other times you want the pacifier or to be held in bed with us or to be in the rock and play or who knows what because when we try to hold you you scream and throw a fit and get even madder when we try to put anything in your mouth. That's why I don't think you would nurse back to sleep anymore. I'm trying to not play the what if game so much....but it is hard. You start sleeping in the crib and wake about 10:30 and again at 11:30 when you sometimes eat and then 1:30 when you almost always eat and then about 3:30 when you often eat and then often at 5-5:30 you try to get up for the day but if we hold you in bed half the time we can get you to sleep till 6-6:30am. It feels so early and we are sooooo tired. Can you please become a better sleeper!? sometimes the only way to calm you down and get you back to sleep is to run the vacume cleaner. The Dr. wonders if you are having night terrors since you are not comforted by us sometimes but I'm not sure if that is it or if you are just really tired and annoyed that you are awake but not sure how to calm yourself back to sleep. sometimes the more we try to clam you the more upset you get! We really don't know what to do. We may have to try some Cry it Out this summer if things are still this bad.

Sometimes you nap well...at daycare you don't but at home I can often get you to take two hour naps. Sometimes I think you nap better than you sleep at night!

I love your bedtime routine. I give you a bath and then we listen to classical music as I give you a massage and a back rub and rub your feet. Then I give you a bottle while singing to you. I sing twinkle twinkle, the bear went over the Mt., hush little baby, sleep baby sleep, rock a bye baby and lullabuy and good night.
after your bottle Dad reads you good night moon, we put you in your swaddle and rock or hold you a bit and then lay you down in your crib to sleep with the sound machine. Sometimes you toss and turn or rub the sheets for a while before you sleep. You tend to go to bed at 8:30pm. But if you keep getting up this early we may have to move it to 8pm. Now I understand why books talked about the 10pm feeding.

Oh and then the swaddle you love it and hate it. You have to be swaddle in order to nap more than about 45min and it seems to help clam you down at night. We have a swaddle where you can pull your arms out when you want and you do during the night and then after a while you wake up upset and we have to go put your arms back in and try again. if we leave your arms out you just cry or play with your hands or work on your rolling. I just bought this this called a zipadeezip that works miracles for some swaddle addicted babies. I'm not holding my breath that it will do much but at least it will be safer for you to wear at night now that you are rolling and it will make it harder for you to play with your hands. we will try it when you are not sick anymore. I hope it works a little because it cost $40 and is made by a mom so I can't take it back to the store or re-sell it or anything. anything to help you sleep better is worth it.

Enough of the trying things. You are an active happy boy most of the time. You are adorable and everybody loves you. You are always on the move wiggling and turning and playing. You adore your exersacuser and since your last little height growth sprut you fit in it much better. You can spend up to half an hour in it before you get tired or I make you stop. You like your big boy swing well enough. It is good for when you need to relax a little. A very few times you have fallen asleep in it. We sold lotty at the consignment sale and got you a wooden play thing from Ikea that you love and a ocean play mat thing that we don't use very much. You rather be on the blanket where you can move around a bunch. You sit in the bumbo a bit more now but still don't love it. You can easily roll from your back to your tummy both directions and your tummy to your back both directions although you only do it sporadically. A few times you have log rolled across the room. Then you won't do it for days. You seem to get really focused on working at one skill at at time. You can lift your but up high and get your knees underneath you when you are on your tummy so I wonder if you will creep around soon. You don't mind being on your tummy very much anymore because you like to "swim" on the carpet and then push wayyyyy up into a pushup then drop down and swim and push swim and push. You somehow manage to rotate in a circle while you do that so you can spin around 360o. You seem to have stoped the scooting across the floor on your back thing...I wonder if you will start it up again. You still like to be held upright so you can march your feet and jump. You like being in the johhny jump up with a soft piano under your feet that you can play. You love your squish and several shaking rattles. You are starting to like Sophie better. Of course you  still love anything that plays music. I can't let you play on the changing table as much now because you try to roll off of it. You like an inflatable ball with a jinggle bell in it and a blanket I made you with ribbon tags. You still like mirrors and when I put us in front of one together you smile and laugh.

You love your doggies and laugh and smile at them...honestly scooter is your favorite. You try to pet them which is really cute. Or maybe you are pulling their fur. You like to pull my hair and pull off your dad's glasses. Your grip is so strong and you can pinch and it HURTS. Oh and your two bottom teeth are very up and out and they also HURT!  The Dr. said you are teething your top two teeth right now and you have been drooling for the first time. I wonder when those will come though. You have more teeth than most of the kids at mom's group!

What you are a bit behind on is the whole sitting thing. I have seen you sit on your own a few times. You are able to do it more and more this week but you just are not very interested. Sitting doesn't get you anywhere so after a few seconds of sitting you get your feet under you and try to push up. The day care is trying so hard to get you to sit. I'm a bit whatever on it. The Dr. agrees that you probably will sit later than most kids because you are too busy working on other skills but he thinks you will walk early.

Daycare is a whole other issue and I'll write a seperate entry for that.

your first bad sickness

How did another month pass already. Time is going really fast now. I'm back at work and so is your daddy and you are at daycare. I am home with you today because you are sick...the sickest you have ever been. It is horrible. I feel so bad for you. You have a head cold that has you so stuffed up and with snot running down your face and you left ear is full of fluid and hurting you (although not a full blown ear infection yet) and your teething your top two teeth. You have been running a fever for three days although it peaked at 6am today at 103 o and I freaked out. You are so full of snot that you can't eat well and sometimes gurrgle. We knew you were getting sick on Wednesday when we took you in for your 6 month shots and so I didn't let them give you shots. Thank god! I pray that today is the worst of it. We went back to the Dr. this morning and he decided to give you antibiotics to make sure the junk in your ear doesn't  turn into an ear infection. The past 24 hours have been awful as you are really miserable and fussy and having the hardest time eating and sleeping and your dad is out of town! We were all alone last night. I don't know how we made it through. Sometimes you wanted to be in the rock and play and sometimes in your crib and a few times I had to hold you upright till you feel alseep. You cried and cried. I cried. I ran the vacume a ton but that trick is really hard to pull off with only one person. I wished I could have nursed you to make you feel better although I really doubt you would have as you didn't want anything in your mouth you are so sutffed up. I feel guilt that you are sick because of daycare and that if I breastfeed you still that you wouldn't have gotten sick. I have to remember that the babies at mom's group that are breastfeed also get sick...some even sicker than you.  I am grateful that you have gone this long without getting this sick. This morning I feed you our bottle by dropper. Then you ate two ounces from the bottle while we waited for you medicine at the store and I gave you another ounce by dropper before this nap. I really hope you eat more when you wake up. I am so afraid that you are going to get dehydrated although the Dr. promised me that you won't. At last check your fever was down under 100.o you are taking a nap right now so I hope you body is fighting to get better. I keep giving you advil and tylenol and worry it is hurting your tummy.
You gagged on the first round of antibotics and thew up but after your last nap I got you to take them by spliting the dose in half and having you sit up when I put then in your mouth with the dropper. I really hope they help you feel better soon. I wish I could keep you from ever feeling sick. I know you will be sick and hurt and sad many times over the years and each time I will experience it along with you. I worry if I can handle being a mom or a good mom. I feel so helpless when you are sick like this and when you can't sleep and I'm so sleep deprived and you are crying. I just want you to feel better. I promise to update how you do over the next few days.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

rabbit skins onesie sizes

NB      14      15.5       3
6M      17.5    16.75      3
12M     20      17.25      3
18M     22.25   18.5       3
24M     25.5    19.5       3

Friday, May 18, 2012

your 5th month

So much happened in your fifth month...I think the most changes occurred in this month than any other so far (aside from you being born) some of those changes were good and some where not so great.

You still love to play on your changing table and play with a moblie although right now you like a bug one from Ikea where you like to grab the bugs and pull them hard. You also love to hang out in your crib with your Rainforest soother. You are no longer a fan of the bouncer and are only willing to be in it for about 10min at a time even with the shower running. We got you a big boy swing and you are liking it much better than the little collapsible swing. You are so so on the bumbo chair and are more interested in being held up so you can stand and march your feet or bounce your feet than being in a sitting position. We just got you an exersaucer this weekend and you like it for about 15 min at a time then I think it is a little hard on your hips still. You currently LOVE anything that spins...still love anything that plays music and of course mirrors.

You love to look in a mirror especially with mommy and laugh and smile. You love when we bend over you and kiss and nibble your cheeks and go mummumumm you laugh and squell. You think Scooter is halarious and randomly start laughing at him sometimes. Often when Mom gets home from work if you are awake you give her a big smile.

You don't love the play gym so much anymore. You rather be on a quilt that Jackie made you where you kick and roll side to side and sometimes roll to your tummy. You can roll from back to tummy both directions (you first did it about mid the third week of May) but you don't roll from your tummy to back even though that is supposed to be easier. I think it is because your back and arm muscles are a little weak because you don't like tummy time and are only willing to do it in very short burst and pretty much only when you can look into a mirror or at one of your art cards. (you still love your art cards and dalmation is your favorite) I am working really hard to get you to have more tummy time and am trying to entice you with toys you can play with and tummy time back rubs. It seems proping you up on the bobby during tummy time helps a lot.

This week you started doing this scooting thing when you lay on your back that propells you across the room for a foot or two and you occasionally grab your feet although you haven't put them in your mouth yet. You do like it when we take your foot when you are on your back and have you tap your nose and mouth with your toes. Silly baby.

You don't like being put into the car seat but you do like going into the car and you really like the monkey mirror in dad's car and the toys that hang from the handle of your carseat. You also like going for walks and we have put you in the stroller without the carseat a few times but you are so so on that so we usually use the carseat. In the past two weeks have have gotten big enough to be in the Ergo without the infant insert although I pulled out the pillow part to put under your butt so that you sit up high enough to see what is going on. You are willing to be in it for longer periods of time now...even long enough to go grocery shopping at Win-co. You still perfer being front facing but much like the exersacuer the front facing carrier (cheap biojorn knock off from target) seems to hurt your hips or crotch after about 12-15 min. I really want a carrier called a Beco that is like the Ergo with the backpack belt but you can ride facing out and on my hip also. they cost $130 and are new enough that I can't get a used one so we need to go try one on and see if we can return it if we don't like it. That would be one of the most expensive baby items you would use.

(I guess your car seat, crib, and mattress and the breast pump cost about the same or more)

In the last month you have transitioned from breastfeeding to formula and only get an few ounces of brestmilk or none at all most days. You were eating so often and didn't seem to be able to get enough food from me as you are a really distracted eater and were eating for up to 45min at a time every two hours all night long. We both were getting really frustrated and no sleep. I was having a nervous breakdown and the times of day when my milk hormone was the highest I was having extream panic attacks. Also I was having a breakdown about not being able to pump you enough milk at work and the stress of working and pumping. With the help of my Dr. and counselor and Doris the lactation lady we decided to transition you to formula. You got at least 8oz of breastmilk up till week 20 and at least some till your exact 5 month birthday and now it is pretty hit or miss. You don't want to nurse anymore as my remaining milk is too low and slow. I wish I had been able to keep going longer for you but I could not do it anymore physically. I love being able to rock you and make eye contact while you eat and you like being able to look around and are able to get more food in again. typically you eat 3-4oz about every two hours although you have started taking some 5oz bottles so I think you may be either having a little growth spurt or ready to move up in volume. You drink Similiac sensitive for lactose sensitivity although I have no clue if you do have any lactose sensitivity. You plow through the tubs of formula...thank goodness Brian is a Similiac rep and gets us a huge discount. I am really starting to think you are ready for some solids because of how you move your lips and mouth in a chewing motion now.

You love to bite on my finger and chew on soft items like a washcolth and the side of your pacifier. You got your bottom two teeth the last two weeks of april and while it seemed to hurt you a bit at night you took it better than I expected. You are chewing again and drooling a lot and blowing raspberreies and smacking your lips so I wonder if more teeth are comming soon or if this is just your new thing. I know you are hungery now when you start chewing on my sholder. You little teeth are sharp and painfull and man does it hurt when you bite my finger but that is your favorite thing to chew on so I let you sometimes.