Saturday, August 4, 2012

Your 8th and 9th month

Hi baby bear,
I must have gotten off track in counting months somewhere along the line... in 7 days you will be 9 months old! Your such a big boy!  We have had a fun and busy summer and mostly have a month left of summer vacation.
On the 2nd of July we went to Denver, just you and me without your dad to see your grandma. We had a nice visit but of course you got a bad cold while we were there! But we still had fun, we saw Linda and Haliey and Katie and Heather and Jamie on the fourth and had a little picnic... then twice your grandma and I took you swimming for the first time, you did not like areas were the water was cold but you loved part of the pools where it was warmer and really loved the lazy river. you were kicking your legs and splashing your hands like you were going to be a champion swimmer as I floated you down the river.

During July we have hung out with Rebecca and Mac a lot and Kori and Swayer and Nikki and Moe. We also see Michelle and Anja sometimes. We went to the zoo three times, went berry picking twice, go swinging at the park have picnics with Nikki and Moe, went to mommy mattine and play play play.  It has been fun but also pretty tiring some days!

You like being with other people and epically older babies and toddlers and pre-schoolers, you like watching what they can do and I know you dream of being able to run and play.

What you can do is crawl really really well! and sit yourself up and pull yourself up to standing and even scoot a little on pieces of furniture. I can't believe how fast you can want to crawl everywhere, on the carpet, on the hardwood floor, in the grass, in the dirt on the beach, everywhere!  I have you wear little kneepads made out of socks you you don't scrape up your knees too bad. you crawl from one end of the house to the other and like to play in the dog's water bowls, you like to play with the broom and bang on the floors or anything else you can to feel the vibrations and here the noise.

you don't seem to like any one toy for long, you rather just explore. I want to find you a push toy to walk along with.  even the bouncer doesn't seem to entertain you for long. You like chasing things that roll around the house and bang bang banging things.

It is so hard to change your diaper cuse you turn over and wiggle and then crawl away!

I'm adding more on 8/25 you are 9 months and two weeks. You are getting much better at eating solids, especially dinner. I need to be better about giving you lunch and I guess also breakfast these are the foods you have tried:
all smooshed
butternut squash
purple carrot
avacado (although you don't like it anymore)
plums (not a big fan)
a tinny bit of raspberry (you liked it) and a tinny bit of cantaloupe
and egg yolk! you loved that!

you are not so great at eating "finger foods' you gag and throw can do puffs if you haven't had a bunch of liquids for half an hour before. we are going to try some yogurht this weekend  and then maybe some cottage cheese.
You are not eating in the bumbo anymore but in your high chair and you love it when we take it outside and eat al fresco :)

You LOVE watching the chickens and you love love love dogs! They make you laugh and smile

You are getting ticklish and like having raspberries blown on your belly

You have a cookie monster doll that makes you laugh and laugh and you like to chew on power cords

You have EIGHT teeth! and are drooling a ton so maybe those moalrs are on their way....ugg not looking forward to that. I am going to get a amber teething necklace... I hope that helps some

Your sleeping is sometimes good and sometimes bad.
Most nights you wake up two to three times, some nights once, some nights more. When you wake we usally feed you a bottle and rock you or bounce you back to sleep. We are not supposed to feed you during the night more than once says the Dr. but I can't stand the crying and I think you are hungry. I am not going to go into how conflicted I am about sleep training here...that can be a separate letter. So far you are still naping twice a day for anywhere from 40min to two hours. You are able to be awake for about 3 to 3 1/2 hours at a time before you melt down.  You go to bed somewhere between 8:30 and 9pm and wake up somewhere between 6:30 ad 7:30am (typically between 6:45-7:15am)
You are starting to fight going to bed and sometimes scream and then pull yourself up to standing and suffle around your crib instead of going to sleep. Then you get mad that you are stuck standing up and can't settle down. It drives me nuts. I hope by my next entry that will have passed. You seem to have a hard time falling alseep in the car and have to cry for about 20 min now...You rather be alseep in the crib or pack and play. You don't like being in bed with us and haven't sleep in the bed with us for a long time.

You tend to eat 4oz at a time of milk about every two and half hours during the day...about 6 bottles during the day and two at about 32oz a day. I think that is ok/good.

You love to babble and can say dada, mama, baba, nigh nigh something that sounds like dogie and tons of other sounds, you are clicking your tounge this week and sticking it out the sides of your mouth so you look funny. I don't know if you really are using those sounds as words but you can say them.

You are a happy camper most of the time, you are social and active and interested in the world around you. So far you don't mind other people and you are good about being at daycare. I wonder if/when you will get bad separation anxiety.

You still love books, especially Barnyard Dance, Busy Chickens, Chugga Chugga Choo Choo, the going to bed book and good night moon to name a few.
We are finishing up a summer reading program and I hope to get you a liabary onesie!

that is all for now but I'm sure I'll have plenty more to add later on.
Love your mama

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