Saturday, March 9, 2013

16 months

tomorrow Drew is 16 months old
over the winter we have had our ups and downs with him being sick and healthy just like any toddler, right now he seems to have a sour stomach but wants to eat and is in a good mood.

Drew loves to:
dance around
listen to music
play with anything that makes music
wave scarves around as he dances

he is very good at pressing the individual buttons or keys on his toys that make music to get unique seems like he is being delibrate about what he pushes

Drew is very active and loves to run run run and walk and play everywhere. he spins in circles till he falls down, stomps his feet and claps his hands, he loves to play chase where you pretend to chase him around the house or he likes to pretend the dogs are chasing him. He can walk backwards he almost never crawls...only when pushing his toy cars and trucks around

he loves anything with wheels
he loves balls
he loves going to swim class
he loves swinging at the park and exploring the playground
sometimes he likes going down the slide

he loves his dogs and all dogs for that matter

he is friendly and goodnatured and kind and is happy to share his toys....he isn't into the "mine" phase yet

he loves bathtime and his duck toys and says quack quack
he says ba for bottle
can sign for milk
can sign for water
can sign for more and all done
mama and dada
occasionaly says something that sounds like ball
says bye and waves good bye

he loves bubbles and hugs and being swung upside down....sometimes he wants me to carry him but often he wants to walk and is not big on holding our hands but we make him
loves to pull things out of the cabinets and empty his bookshelf...sometimes will put stuff away on his own

can stack rings and cups...although better at the rings, can minpulate all the bottons and levers on the pop up toy, not into the shape sorter yet

at last check up he was 32.5 inches and 21 + pounds and I think he has gained for in the last month. sometimes he is a good eater and sometimes it is a real battle
he likes these foods:
fruit and oatmeal
fruit and veggie pouches
black olives
anything with cheese
mac and cheese
grilled cheese sandwiches
fried eggs
goldfish crackers
fruit: canned apples, pears, peach, mandrin orange, raspberries blue berries
not big on veggies if not mixed with fruit
french fries
pita chips
rice and soy sauce
noodles with and without spaggitti sacue
likes to eat bits of our barritos
smoke salmon (but I'm going to stop giving it to him till he is older)
sometimes waffles and pancakes sometimes not

does not like:
real bannana
food that are not very soft aside from a few cracker items

he drinks about 20 oz of lactose free milk a day...he still drinks from a bottle, will drink water from a spippy or straw cup but rather have milk in the bottle

takes one nap a day for about 2 hours to 2 1/2 hours
has to sleep with sound machine, loves his blanket like thing/zippy...not really attached to any stuffed animals  tends to go to bed around 8:30pm and sleep till about 7 to 7:30am. Some times sleeps through the night and sometimes still wakes in the night  will NOT sleep in bed with us, not that we try or let him except when he is really sick or we are having a really bad night

Has all his molars though although the top ones need to move down some still, has bottom two eye teeth through one all the way pushed up and one half pushed up...both of the top eye teeth are cutting right now... don't seem to hurt him but do seem to make him stuffy and give him a cough. his top teeth move way slower than his bottom teeth but don't seem to hurt as much

overall he is just a happy outgoing loving boy that loves adventure and doing things. I love him work that I can even comprehend