Saturday, January 9, 2016

33 1/2 weeks

Hey little are 33 weeks plus a few days...I think. Wait...I guess the biggest thing is your name is Margaret! we decided over winter break and have told quite a few people including your grandma bea and great grandma Margaret:) maybe we will call you margo, maybe margie, maybe just margaret but not maggie I don't think. We went to the midwife on Monday and took your brother so he could listen to your heartbeat.You are measuring right on track and this midwife thought you were head down...let's go with that thought ok? my belly is quite round thought I know this time that we can still get much bigger and will. If I sit in one rocking arm chair in the house I can hold your brother in my lap but otherwise my tummy is too big. Life carriers on though even if I want to nap everyday. Back to school from winter break. boy did I enjoy not having to stand all day long for 19 days (we had two bonus snow days) the first three days back were pretty hard even though I spent a good chunk of each day parked on my tall stool chair. Being pregnant and working FULL time this time is no joke. on the really good side I just learned that I can stay home with you for the rest of the school year once you come and all summer. I won't have to go back to work the last two weeks of school. Thank god we won't have that nursing/pumping stress on us (even if we are not about even the daycare/sleep stress).
Despite having bronchitis over winter break I have manged to keep gaining about 1 1/2 every two weeks the last four weeks. I think I am about keeping up with your weight gain when I look at how baggy my pants are.  I think the baby sites say you are 4 1/2 give or take. The force you exert when moving in my belly lets me you know definitely have been growing. I'm still not super interested in eating and food will sound ok for one serving and then I dont' want the leftovers which I feel really guilty about.  The only thing I consistently am craving is root beer. It helps me poop so I go for it. I'm trying hard to take my pre-natal vitimans...I eat lots of tums each day :P and I'm taking some fancy liquid iron supplement that is supposed to be easier on the stomach. oh and probotic pills three times a day to see if that helps with heartburn.  Over break we painted your room light gray and robins egg blue teal. We put the crib together and got you a new sheet, moved the dresser/chaning table in and got you a new changing pad cover.  I painted aspen trees on the wall and I think they turned out nice. I want to add some birds to the trees. I also painted you and your big borther as bunnies holding hands and looking at each other. I'm having a hard time painting your bunny face just right.  You have clothes for the first few months, swaddles, one pack of dipers and I think we have all the basic baby things you need but I'm sure we have forgot plenty.  We found and put together the rock and play, I bought a new/used bouncy seat that plays the same song as the one your brother had. There is a fancy infant swing I got from a lady in the mom's group that maybe you will like. We have your brothers old car seat and bases. Kori got you a sound machine....we are not supposed to bath you for a week or so now I guess but another lady in the mom's group has a tub.  Your brother and I talk about you coming out. he has been very patient and I think is starting to get a little impatient waiting for you. He talks about how you will get so big that my belly will break and you will come out. He says he will cuddle you and not hit you and will be kind with your head. I suppose that is about the best I can hope for from a 4 year old boy.  He has choosen to stop napping which is hard on the weekends although it was really a maricle he napped for this long!  I took him to swim class at a new place today and he didn't cry for once and he got into the pool and worked with the teacher. Afterwards I took him to get a matchbox car and burgerville. god I hope like cars because there are a lot of toy cars around here!

It dosen't look like there will be a baby shower for you...I have sad/mad/hurt/understanding feelings about that. You are just as specical and you deserve a party to celebrate you and the fact I am pregnant with you but our culture is like noooooo you got enough stuff last time.  Whatever.
anyway as much as I complain about feeling big and sore and tired, and am still tired after our not so restfull sleep each night you keep cooking in there! I expect you to stay in there till at least 38 weeks...then we can start talking about you coming out.  Stay safe and keep growin

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