Monday, June 6, 2011

fat or pregnant

17 weeks and 4 or 5 days and I'm not sure if I look fat or pregnant. Fat seems more like it. When I was at the Dr. on Friday I had gained back the weight I lost during the first few months plus one or two pounds (seeing that I'm not 100% sure how much I weighed to start) we heard the heartbeat again. Muffled but louder this time. She seemed happy with how you are growing and said your heartbeat was about are you a girl?
Still not one student at school has asked me if I am pregnant. I guess I'm doing well with the baggy shirts.
You are about 5" from head to rump as they say and weight about .5 oz. You are way bigger than a leamon now. I can feel everything pulling and streching to make room for you and sometimes my lower back is starting to hurt. I think I can feel you moving in me. Like a big fish in a fishbowl of water. I feel the push and wosh of water as I think you flip around sometimes. Or maybe it's just my food digetsting.

You had a busy weekend as it was the first sunny weekend we have had in months. On Saturday we went down to Sellwood park where the river was flooded right up into the dog park. They happend to be having a kayak demo going on so we paddled a few boats for about half an hour. I had no trouble paddling my kayak and was not winded. Later in the day we went to have dinner with Adam and Caori and she made us a real japanese dinner.
On Sunday we took the dogs and had a picknick in the park and took the dogs to the dog park.

Later today I have to go have another blood draw so they can keep checking if you are healthy although so far everything points to you being super healthy. Keep up the good work.

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