Tuesday, July 14, 2015

can't have just one... baby blueberry

hey baby blueberry,
that's what your big brother has been calling you. I'm 8 ish (give or take) weeks pregnant with you. Much like your brother you make the task of eating awful. Each pregnancy is different they say...but this sickness thing remains the same as with Drew. I throw up about once a day...although at totally random times. I learned the hard way with your bother that I HAVE to keep eating or I will loose a ton of weight and just get sicker and sicker. Therefore, when I am not paying attention to your brother my sole task in life is forcing myself to eat and then keeping that food in my tummy.  80% of the time I feel like I have punched in the stomach. You better be a cute kid! I had a feeling it was going to be like this again so I may have indulged every food whim I had before getting pregnant with you. needless to say I have more weigh on me to burn this time around. I think I have only lost about two pounds in the last two months although not having a reliable scale it's hard to know. I could list the many food I don't want to eat right now...but that would make me ill. I can say I am able to eat cherries and almonds and watermelon ok. All food that end up being high in B6...so I went and got some b6 pills to see if that helps. I'll feel so sick for a few days, then have a day when I feel just fine and then it's back to ick again. The midwives won't see us for another 3 weeks, I think you'll be 11 weeks on the day we see them based on my guesses. I know they till listen for your heart beat but seeing that they don't like doing unnecessary ultrasounds I'm not sure if I will get one telling me just how far long you are...although I feel like they will need to figure out how big you are somehow!
Since we are on summer vacation, and I force your brother to nap...na he still likes napping thank god, we are getting way more sleep then I did with your brother. this has left me less exhausted than last time which is good...but frankly I would be willing to feel more tired in exchange for feeling less sick. not trying to guilt you...just saying how it is.  Got to figure you are most likley a boy...i'll have a hard time beliving it it if at some point they say you are a girl.
Let me know if you have ideas for a good name for you

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